More - Where the Kangaroo Hop. (eBook - short story)

An excerpt.

Cycling in a labyrinth of roads and paths spanning an entire continent, I discovered what I didn’t see on maps or in tourist guides. Far from the reaches of civilization, engulfed by the grandeur of isolation, lost on a barren red earth riding through Australia’s Outback, my perception of reality began to spin, blur, and fragment like a kaleidoscope – it was a beautiful distortion.

I rode and rode and rode. Like a tall ship far from a comforting shore, the ever-moving horizon and unescapable winds fueled my dreams empowering my hopes and ambition. The sun was a furnace with no off switch. Wind gusts were so hot they left my lungs gasping for oxygen. The distances ahead were unknown, unimaginable and I wilfully submitted to their dominance. Every man has a master and Mother Nature was mine. I loved exactly where I was, but it took its toll. Nobody crossed for free.

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